Rodrigo Allende
Accounting Supervisor
Tel: +56 2 2650 4300
Email: pkfchile@pkfchile.cl
Professional Experience
Rodrigo is an Accountant and Auditor graduated from Instituto Profesional La Araucana, with an IFRS Diploma from Universidad de Chile. He has 15 years of professional experience.
Most of his professional activities have been related to the accounting area, gaining a valuable experience as a business advisor for companies in different lines of business. He has prepared financial statements for various companies and has done analysis work, VAT and Income tax returns, Net Taxable Income (RLI), Taxable Income Fund (FUT), CPT, FECU notes, Affidavits, etc.
As part of his professional development he has attended some in-house training courses on IFRS, Calculation of Net Taxable Income and other.
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