Rafael Romero
Tel: +56 2 2650 4300
Email: rromero@pkfchile.cl
Professional Experience
Rafael is Doctor of Business Administration in Finance at Boston University, also holds a Master of Arts in Economics at Boston University and a Business Management and B.A. in Economics at Universidad de Chile.
Rafael is consultant and academic specialist in business valuation, development of models for risk quantification, actuarial calculation and measurement of performance in fixed and variable income investment portfolios. He has been a consultant to the OECD Development Bank, Ministry of Public Works, Moneda Asset Management, CONICYT, and General Treasury of the Republic, Superintendence of Social Security, Superintendence of Sanitation Services (SISS), Security Group, Transoceanic and Enaex companies.
He has published his research in high international impact journals such as Economic Modelling, Macroeconomics Dynamics, The Manchester School and Applied Economics. He has been awarded several projects in research tenders of the FONDECYT and collaborates as a referee for several international journals.
He works as Director of PKF International Global Council, Researcher professor at Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Visiting professor at Universidad de Guadalajara (México) and Universidad EAFIT (Colombia). Before that, he was the Academic Director of Master in Finance Programs at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez and Universidad de Chile, and Director of the Center for Applied Research in Economics and Finance at Universidad del Desarrollo.
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