Héctor Osorio
Email: hosorio@pkfchile.cl
Professional Experience
Héctor holds a Master´s Degree in Economics at Universidad de Chile, a Magister in Military Science at Academia de Guerra Ejército de Chile, a Magister in Finance at Universidad de Chile, he is an Accountant & Auditor from Universidad de Concepción and graduate from the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies at National Defense University in WDC.
Héctor is a Consultant in Finance and Management. He specializes in finance analysis, business valuation, and prevention of money laundering – in this context he has provided consulting services to local and foreign companies in matters such as valuation in merger processes, organization of financial intelligence units, development of models for risk identification and hedging, analysis of political and economic environment. In Latin America he has participated in matters related to prevention of money laundering.
Héctor was Professor of Finance I and Director of the following programs: Diploma in Strategic Management Control, Diploma in Mining Business and M&A Course at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
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